Although betta can live in a cup of water, it is a torture for them.
Think about trapped in a 1.5metre box that you can't move freely. You surely can't take it.
Betta need atleast 1 gallon(3.7 litre) of water to allow them swim freely. Bigger, better.
someone even house their betta alone in a 10 gallon tank.
If you felt that it is too empty for a big tank, you can add some tankmates.
Not all tank mate is suitable for betta.
Suitable tankmates for betta are:
small aquarium snails, ghost or red cherry shrimps, cories(corydoras catfish),
white cloud mountain minnows
Slightly compatible:
Neon/cardinal tetras, plecos(small species), Wild guppies(least colorful), rasboras
Least compatible(need more water(5 gallon++) and hiding space):
Fancy guppies, platies, mollies, swordtails
Not compatible:
cichlids, tiger barbs, goldfish , gourami, chinese algae eater
Water temperature:
around 25-30°C( 77-86°F)
If you live in SouthEast Asia, heater is not needed
If heater is used, make sure that the tank is
You can add some decorations into your betta tank.
things they may like are:
something to rest on
something to let them hide
something to swim through
smooth edge decor
Objects prepared with stone, hard plastics, glass or silk (ie - silk plants).Some of them may be poisonous
Water change:
Use tank water or dechlorinated water.
Do full water change once a week if it is a 1 gallon or 2.
2-3 times full water change if less than 1 gallon.
20% partial water change for more than 2gallon every week.
You can add a filter in a (2 gallon+) tank for less water change(make sure water current is slow)
If there is any tankmates in a betta tank, make sure that it has more hiding place and
plenty of space(atleast 2 gallon)
Do not put any decorations that are able to slice your betta's fin(T0T), use soft plant or hiding place that have no sharp ends.
Make sure that the top of tank have a cover that have good air ventilation.Betta jumps!!
Do not put two male betta in a tank, there will fight until one run away or even death. Some may not fight(very rare), maybe ill or personality.
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