Betta feeds on:
livefood : a)bloodworm, b)blackworm, anyworm. c)mosquito larvae, d)brine shrimp(if you have alot of money)
Frozen live food(once alived): a)frozen bloodworm,
Freezed dried food(once alived): mainly a)freezed dried bloodworm b)freezed dried brineshrimp
Betta fish pellet: I recommend Hikari Betta Bio Gold, Sanyu Betta Gold(Cheaper)
a)Feed your betta different food everyday(recommended). eg: today=pellet, tomorrow=bloodworm
b)Let your betta skip a day in a week without meal, let your betta to rest its digestive system and prevent bloated tummy.(recommended)
WARNING!: a) Do NOT feed worms that is too big or contain parasites, pesticides.
b) Wash live food throughly before feeding your betta.
c) Do NOT overfeed. read instruction on the food package or ask fishshop
d) Cleanup uneaten food left in the tank.
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